Good stewardship will bring the Favor of God if God is part of that stewardship. During a time of pestilence and famine, we at Connecting Your Vision have seen first-hand how the hand of God continues to bless our ministry. The reason for this is that we have not backed down from our giving. The Bible says that “the God we serve is a God who rewards” if we have the faith for this.
Hebrews 11:6 (KJV) But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Without faith we cannot please God. When it comes to giving, it takes faith to give; without this type of faith, you will not see the reward God has for you. It takes faith for your healing; without this type of faith you will not see the healing you are asking for. In many walks of life, it takes faith to walk through it and God is the only One who can bring this kind of faith. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (KJV) For we walk by faith, not by sight… Too many believers today are walking by sight and not by faith, therefore the believers are struggling to get what they are seeking because of faith.
When you plant seed, expect a harvest; this is what faith does! You don’t know how it will happen, all you know is God will provide and God is going to multiply whatever you sow! Speak your heart’s desire! The Bible tells us in Psalm 37:4 (KJV) Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. This is faith in action! Faith requires “works”. The Book of James says, “Faith without works is dead”. Never leave out the works of your faith! What is the “works” part? At times it can be physical work, other times it can be “fasting”, and it can also be “speaking until it happens”. Always remember: “faith will make you leap, and fear will keep you still.”
How do you know if your faith is working? It will line up with the nine fruits of the Spirit. Galatians 195:22 (KJV) But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! The nine fruits of the Spirit will bring the Favor of God upon your life. When you have Love, you want to give; when you have Joy you want to give (The Bible tells us to be a cheerful giver); when you have Goodness you want to give. As you can see, the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit do something. You cannot give (money) to get the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. The nine fruits of the Holy Spirit will bring favor upon your life. I am all about favor, are you? .
For years in ministry, we have had to do all parts of God’s Word to see what God has for us, no shortcuts. So many believers are missing what God has for them. If you were to bake a pie with 10 ingredients, when you eat the pie you can say, “that was a great tasting pie.” The next time you make the same pie, you put 9 ingredients instead of 10, and when you eat the pie you will say, “something is missing, this pie does not taste the same.” Believers ask all the time: “what is wrong, I pray, I go to church, I’m kind to people, I read my Bible…” So many believers are so close and yet so far away, all because of their giving. Giving is a direct connecting rod to the Throne that says, “I believe in you Jesus, you are my Provider and what I have today You have given me, but now I’m looking for an increase.”
Giving is a spiritual issue and in fact, a relational issue with God. In order to truly yield to God’s ownership of our possessions, we must evaluate carefully what may be the most telling evidence of our Stewardship – the part we give. Just as we decide on what we spend on an appliance or how much we will put in a savings or retirement account, we must also decide how much money we will give to God. Even when people give nothing it is a decision. Stewards are accountable in each decision they make to please the owner, and our owner is Jesus.
Too many people see the responsibility of giving as a burden. How sad that is in light of Paul’s reminder that God loves a cheerful giver. Giving is actually a relational decision. In the process of making “giving decisions” we really establish our agreement with God about Stewardship. As we continually decide to give, we constantly affirm how much we value our relationship to God as His children. As God’s stewards, our giving decisions are simply a matter of thinking through how He wants us to allocate His money. The right order of giving is to God First. God never wants to be second and God will never accept to second in what He has put in our hands. The way it is distributed shows where we have God in our life. Remember God is the First of all things.
As we have said in previous letters during a Pestilence, a Famine, Connecting Your Vision has been blessed with many open doors, and where the devil is trying to close the door, Jesus is opening many doors. There is no doubt all of this is because we have never backed off God’s Word. Part of the Word is to be a giver, for your life to change is to be that giver. Giving into a solid ground like Connecting Your Vision causes favor to come into your life. In Philippians 4:15 (KJV) Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. “Notice what Apostle Paul said in verse 17, Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. Believers, giving is about your breakthrough! This is the part many believers totally miss – Does your giving help spread the gospel? “YES”, but the reward comes back to you!!! This is why we at Connecting Your Vision International say, “Invest in the Gospel” because it brings a return and this return is not based on how the world’s economy is doing. Your reward is coming from Heaven!
Below are 3 ways to give:
Our website:
Text to give: 386-866-3211
Cash app: $CYVMM
Stay connected with us by going to and fill out our CONTACT FORM. We look forward to celebrating your breakthrough as you send us your TESTIMONIES and PRAYER REQUESTS.
Evangelist / Pastor Randy Hooper