In the Midst of a Storm, We Received the Greatest Blessing
Over the last 2 months, I have been broadcasting live as we all witnessed how the world stood still. During the month of March, we began sharing on The Pestilence and how we must prepare the people with the Good News and NOT the bad news which bring fear. I explained that God has given us POWER (2nd Timothy 1:7 KJV) and showed that the Greek word for Power = dü’-nä-mēs means: (1) Inherent power, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature, or which a person or thing exerts and puts forth. (2) Power for performing miracles. I felt in my spirit to remind everyone how God has given us this Power for us to use and not lay it aside; to speak to whatever mountain and remove it. During that week we received testimonies of many who spoke this Word over their life and began to see breakthroughs in health, family, and finances. Even our team experienced miracles in the midst of a Pandemic.
As the world progressed in uncertainty, I continued sharing on The Answer to the Pestilence – Covid19 and how we needed to calm the storm like Jesus did in Mark 4. This tied into the previous message of how He has given us the authority to use His Name. I shared that Prayer is powerful and we as the Church need to come together like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who stood together and went into the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:23). Now we can see that as we stood in that furnace like the “Shadrachs”, the “Meshachs”, and the “Abednegos” of our time we are coming out victorious! Recently, I heard reports that the virus is disappearing so fast, they can’t even test the vaccine quick enough to determine its effectiveness. Unlike some governor who said God didn’t do this… It was Jesus Christ who did this because the Church exercised their Authority in the Name! THIS WAS GOD!
While we were approaching Easter and many churches were in complete shut down, I put together a Timeline on Holy Week – The Foundation for Defeating the Giant, recounting everything God has done for all of humanity and the many reasons why we celebrate this Passion week. Though we experienced crazy times, we can see Jesus won victories every day just for us! I kept reminding the Church that no matter what, we are going to keep moving forward and we are NOT backing down. We made a call for everyone to always gear up with the Full Armor of God, to know we have protection in the Blood, and to be ready for battle because we are in a war. We started claiming the Scriptures that show He is in control, we continued thinking positive, and many started to see positive results – “As a man thinks, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). During this time, we made declarations that there is a Greater One who has overcome all of this over 2,000 years ago and His Name is JESUS! (John 16:33).
Once April came along, I shared on Faith Without Works is Dead and how we know that Faith is not just a blanket that covers all, but instead you must know what to speak to. I taught on how God is bigger than anything we can face but we must also know what we are believing for and the type of prayers we have going out. I also shared on how to focus your prayers, making sure they are not selfish, but instead praying for other people, praying for your government, praying for your leaders, and praying for your President to be led by God. While these weeks have passed, we are seeing the fruit of these prayers as places are opening back up. What an exciting time this is!
Around mid-May we did some broadcasts on The Invisible Friend – The Holy Spirit, and what it is like to have the Spirit of God present in your life always. John 4:24 says that, God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in Truth. I shared some principles on how to get in the Spirit by reading God’s Word, because Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17) and by spending time in prayer. Galatians 4 says that He sent a Spirit of adoption and now we have an inheritance. When we operate by His Spirit we are operating as His sons and we can be certain that Great things are coming our way!.
While some ministries pulled back because of fear I have been preaching on how we serve a God who rewards, and nothing could be more real than this statement right now! I told you before, that this ministry has ZERO fear because we live what we preach and that is to meditate on the Word day and night (Joshua 1:8). After all these weeks of the Pestilence, the Fear mongering caused by the mainstream media, and the famine that was created in this land by the greed and wickedness of the globalists, Connecting Your Vision International (CYVi) has received one of the GREATEST blessings in the midst of the storm. We are stepping into new levels and a greater reach for souls as a direct result of what we have been speaking, declaring, decreeing, and preaching over the last 2 months. On June 4th, 2020, we started airing on Christian Television Network International (CTNi) and broadcasting in South America, Puerto Rico, East Coast USA, Colorado, parts of Mexico and Argentina. This is all about the Kingdom and when you make the Kingdom the center of your purpose, everything else is added unto you! (Matthew 6:33).
This is the time for the Church of Jesus to shine, but you can’t do that unless you believe what you preach! During this season, my ministry has spent more money, has sowed more finances, and we are seeing amazing results. While others were running scared, we remained focused on the mandate given by Jesus to go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Matthew 28:19-20 (KJV). Since we chose to stand for the Word of God as Believers, we are witnessing amazing things, and this is only the beginning. We invite you to join us and be a part of what God is doing by sowing your best seed TODAY! We are a living testimony that we serve a Master whose economy is BIGGER than any storm and we want to share with you how to do live this way! Luke 10:2 says, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” When you PARTNER with God through a ministry like CYVi, it becomes the vehicle that the Gospel rides on to reach more souls. Remember that as we go and reach others, what you sow will go into your heavenly account!
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Text to give: 386-866-3211
Cash app: $CYVMM
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Evangelist / Pastor Randy Hooper